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Latest Helmsley-Funded PSA Urges Vaccination to Honor Healthcare Heroes

The latest in a series of Helmsley Charitable Trust public education partnership (PEP) announcements urging upper Midwesterners to get the COVID-19 vaccine focuses on honoring the healthcare heroes who have helped keep communities safe.

“Heroes Work Here” is the third installment in a series of PEPs across seven upper Midwest states funded through a $1.1 million grant from the Helmsley Charitable Trust. The segment, narrated by a young boy, urges people to get the vaccine to protect the doctors, nurses, and frontline workers who have labored selflessly to keep people safe during the healthcare crisis of a lifetime.

“Please do your part — for you, for them, for us,” the narrator says.

The first PEP, which began airing in late 2020, encouraged mask wearing. The second installment entitled “In This Together” encouraged people to get vaccinated so they can stay healthy and get back to such community social activities as dining, ball games, travel, concerts, and gatherings.

Helmsley and the South Dakota Broadcasters Association are partnering with broadcasters’ associations in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming on a public education campaign to deliver targeted messages aimed at encouraging behavior change. The television and radio broadcasters are contributing a 3:1 match, boosting Helmsley’s $1 million ad buy into a $4 million campaign.